Wednesday, 21 March 2012


After I've seen so many beautiful looks with pigments from Fyrinnae on Marthas Blog I had to buy some of the colours. Now a few weeks later the package has arrived and I am totally in love with the colours, I can not wait to try them all.

Monday, 19 March 2012


I am so in love with the Louis Vuitton sping/summer collection for this year I can not put it into words. It just totally blows my mind and I want all the pieces, but unfortunaly they are way to expensive for me. Well I hope that one day I'll be wealthy enough :) I also really love the hairdo and the make-up, I think everything about this collection is perfect! If you haven't seen the clip of the show you totally must, the models are sitting on a carousel.. how cute is that!? Well I leave you for now, love L.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Maman est arrivé !

Die Spinnen-Konstruktion "Maman" besucht Hamburg. Wir haben ihr natürlich pflichtbewusst einmal "Hallo" gesagt. Habe mir gleich wieder vorgenommen, mich wieder mehr mit Kunst zu beschäftigen, es gibt so auch so tolle Blogs, wo man die Inspiration geradezu serviert bekommt. Zum Beispiel hier:

Bon appetito!!

At the moment you can have a look at the huge spider "Maman" by the artist Louise Bourgeois in front of the Art gallery in Hamburg. Its impressive and... free;)

Saturday, 17 March 2012

We are back!

It has been a long, long time since we last posted something here. But we want to change that! So...

We are back!

We really love this blog and want to make it work, so hopefully you will soon see a lot more from us!

Now a little more, why we didn't post anything over the last months. School and Uni had us both left with no time to do fun stuff, as blogging.. but know all the hard exams are done and we have time again! That is the only excuse we have, sorry! Thanks for stiking with us, love M & L.